
Balding Help

Help, I am balding! Over the years, I have noticed that my hairline has been slowly receding. At first, I thought that my eyes were most probably deceiving me and that I was just being over sensitive. But slowly but surely, I started to notice a bit of baldness on my head. In fact, it is so bad that I am no longer able to comb my hair the way that I used to.

Well, if you see me, you will probably think that I am joking when I say that I am balding. Because I still have quite a bit of hair on my head. But that is probably because of the way that I style my hair nowadays. It sorts of cover the parts that are balding. But the truth is that my hair is thinning at the top and it has made it extremely difficult to comb my hair. I am not sure what style to use anymore. In fact, I have sort of resigned to the fact that I no longer look as good as before.

Balding used to be a problem that was so far away from my mind. After all, I have always been blessed with lots of hair. And I used to laugh at hair commercials. Now I know why there are so many such hair commercials around! Because men are seriously affected when it comes to balding. Not a day goes by without me looking at the mirror and wondering whether there is something that I can do to stop the balding.

If anybody knows any cure for balding, I need help! Don't want to eat any of those pills though.

Insurance as asset protection- Things you need to know

Insurance covers a range of given dollar values. That’s the first thing you need to know about insurance. You can get specified coverage for practically anything, when you need it. Home insurance is a good working model to see what insurance can do to protect your assets.

Home insurance basics

Home insurance provides cover for events and provides upfront payout values. These values are your best guide to self defence for your assets and will show your costs upfront as well. The top new insurers are offering a range of flexible policies that can be managed online, including premiums.
Home insurance is a truly efficient way of covering a range of issues, including legal liabilities, which can be horrendously expensive. If a person has an accident on your property, they may have to sue to recover their costs of medical treatment, lost income, etc.
This isn’t the sort of thing you want to approach lightly. Your cover is your defence against potentially heavy costs. You need to do your homework, compare deals and do some serious thinking about how you want to manage liabilities. This really is “risk management”, in the most literal sense, so please understand now that good cover can save you a lot of grief.
Fire insurance is a particular element of home insurance that needs a special mention at this point. Make absolutely sure to get this cover and make sure it’s a good dollar value range of cover. Even minor fire damage can cause horrific costs in repairs, and serious damage is much worse.
It’s good practice to get some professional advice if you’re not sure about what you need to cover, particularly if you’re not sure about how much cover you need. The insurers don’t just sell insurance, they also have a vested interest in making sure their policyholders get good information about their products. You’ll get useful advice, so if you’re not sure, ask.

Contents insurance basics

Contents insurance isn’t as simple as it looks, either, but it’s equally important, and sometimes critical when you need to replace lost or stolen goods. You can get contents insurance which can be tailored to a large degree and altered to suit your needs when required, too.
There are some considerations here:
A lot of your contents may appreciate in value as you acquire new systems and other contents. If you upgrade your home electronics, you’re likely to need to fine tune your contents policy, particularly if it’s a replacement policy, to cover values. Make certain on a regular basis, particularly if you’re looking at upgrading in the future, that your insurance represents appropriate cover values.
Things like antiques and fine art are usually not covered by contents policies. They’re not designed to do that. You may be able to get a dollar value cover, but not necessarily at the market value, just a general sort of cover for loss. You’ll probably need special insurance for these things, and probably valuations to establish a cost bandwidth. Your insurer will be able to tell you how to approach these issues.
Shop around online, check out the options, and you’ll find you can get excellent cover. Just make sure your cover can do what you want it to do.
[The above article is a Guest Post]

Dividends for May 2011 from Innotek, China Aviation Oil and Capitaland

May seems to be a good month in terms of dividends. I have not been investing much over the years but my stock portfolio does give me good dividends from time to time.

Received some dividends from my shareholdings in Innotek, China Aviation Oil and Capitaland. The total amount received was to the tune of $1070. Perhaps it is time to reward myself with some good food over the weekend.

Getting Lost in Books and Work

Apologies for the super long "blackout" in terms of blogging. I have been too consumed with reading that I did not get a chance to sit down and write anything for sometime.

I have been reading Homer's Iliad - a book that I never thought I would or could read. But surprisingly, the translation that I am reading seems fairly simple and apart from Googling here and there for the various terms/names that I wasn't familiar with, I managed to finish the book in roughly 1.5 weeks. I don't declare to understand everything that Homer is saying but I do appreciate the story and its account of events about the Trojan War. It makes me realise the number of deviations that the movie Troy has from the actual book!

Work has also been busy and it does not help that I have had little free time to read. So all my free time that I had was spent reading. Somehow, reading seems to be a great way to relax after a stressful day at work.

I have been contemplating lately about what it means to have an education and be educated. This thoughts and reflection led me to read a book titled "How to Read a Book". Though not entirely convinced by the list of Great Books that was suggested by the author, I still decided that life is too short to leave my reading list by chance/whim/fancy. I thus decided to at least read some of the more well known classics and books that have been recognised as Great Books. Homer's Iliad is one of these great books. Now that I have read it finish, I hope to read through the next book on my list soon.

Elections, Royal Wedding and Osama is Dead

So many historical events seem to be taking place over the past few days.

Singapore General Elections 2011.

Yes. By now, most people are probably suffering from an overdose of election news and trivia ranging from Kate Spade to Nicole Seah. In fact, facebook seems to be flooded with so much election news that I am suddenly surprised at how politically charged so many of my friends are. Well, this is a once in five years event and I am keenly keeping watch on the elections since 82 out of 87 seats are being contested. My predictions? I think the opposition party will only keep one seat - Hougang.

Royal Wedding

So while we were suffering from an overdose of election news, the royal wedding was really a good break. Spent quite some time in front of the TV watching the live footages of the royal wedding even as I remarked to myself the fact that I have visited those places in London a very long time ago. I think the royal couple look really sweet.

The Royal Wedding Order of Events

Osama is Dead (Latest News)

With a wedding, there needs to be a funeral. Well, the news is out that Osama bin Laden is dead. Shot in the head. After 2 wars, and an entire US army hunting him down, it took almost a decade just to kill this man. And he was in Pakistan. Not Iraq or Afghanistan where the wars took place. Scroll below for a gruesome picture of Osama.
