
One Question That Will Change Your Life

If there is one question that can change your life, it will probably be whether you are passionate about whatever you are doing in life.  Steve Jobs sums it up real nicely in this short video.  People who succeed are those who are passionate in what they are doing.  Why else would they be able to keep doing things at their peak level on a sustained basis?  And therein lies the secret of success.

As he also sums up nicely in this quote:

"For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something..almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.  Remembering that you are going to dies is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose."

For the past few days, I have been asking myself what am I really passionate about in life.  And I think I have drilled it down to three things : Travelling, reading and writing.

Travelling because this is the activity that makes me feel alive.  My sense are keener and more aware of my surroundings.  I feel excited about every single sight and sound that I experience.  It is only during my travels that I truly feel alive and living.

Reading because through reading, I get to experience the viewpoints of others.  I get lost in their world.  I learn from the experience of others.  I share their joy, mistakes, pain, etc.  Things that I will never have been able to experience for myself.

Writing because it is the only creative expression of myself.  I am not talented musically or with any other kind of handicraft.  Yet, I have always viewed myself as someone who likes to create things.  And writing is something that I enjoy doing.  It allows me to consolidate my thoughts, reflect on my innermost fears and desires.  And to express them into words concretises whatever I am thinking. 

Dividends for July 2013

Received 4 cheques in the mailbox for this month.

Cheque #1 = $13.03
Cheque #2 = $50.59
Cheque #3 = $87.54
Cheque #4 = $69.07

All the cheques were from U.S. stocks that I own.  Have not been keeping a good record of all the dividends that I have been receiving each month so thought that I should just log this down before I forget.

Overall, my portfolio has changed quite a bit. Many of the higher yielding stocks that I bought have had bad news lately which has affected the value of my portfolio.  At the same time, I am fortunate to have exited quite a fair bit of my stocks during their recent highs.  So there is quite a bit of free cash left to invest.

Financially, I will like to think that I am progressing fine.  There are surpluses each month to invest/save and that is sufficient.  Have been spending more time reading, reflecting and living each day to the fullest.  Life is too short to worry about tomorrows.

Hopefully all readers had a very good long weekend.  It was a well deserved break for me too.

Card Trick That Fools Penn and Teller

Penn and Teller are great magicians.  So when a card trick leaves them stunned or mystified, you can be certain that it is a really good trick.  See how this magician leaves both of them puzzled in the Penn and Teller show.

How do you think this trick was done?