
How Much CPF is Deducted from Salary

Ask around and you will be surprised that not many people actually know how much money is deducted from their salary for contribution to their CPF account.

The CPF salary ceiling in 2016 is $6000. This means that only the first $6000 you earn in a month attracts CPF contributions. For an employee below age 55, it will mean a total of 20% of $6000 is deducted from his gross salary for CPF. The amount deducted is therefore $1200.

Employers contribute 17% and that translates to $1020.

So the CPF deducted from one's gross salary is $1200 while the employer contributes $1020 (assuming one earns $6000 or more a month).

How Much is Registered Mail in Singapore

Registered mail in Singapore is offered by Singpost  if it's basically a sign-for on delivery service that requires the recipient to sign an acknowledgement slip before getting the mail.

The mail will be delivered to the address and if nobody is home, a slip of paper informs that the postman had been there and the mail is waiting for collection at some post office.

In Singapore, registered mail will cost an additional $2.24 over the normal mail delivery price. The weight limit is also capped at 2kg.

Time to Top Up CPF and SRS

Cannot believe that the year is almost coming to a close. Anyway, it is the time of the year to stay putting my finances in order again. And one of those tasks is taking what available spare cash I have to top up my CPF Special Account under the retirement sum top up scheme. Just maxed it out to $7000 since that is the max I can claim tax relief for.

The next step will be to top up my own SRS account as well as my wife's CPF account. All these helps to reduce the taxes that I need to pay. If you all me, I think it is almost a no-brainer that this should be one of the basic steps in retirement planning in Singapore.