Received Over $1000 in Dividends for August 09

I received over $1000 in dividends for the month of August. Pretty pleased also with the way my portfolio is regaining its value. The month of August was also significant for me as I started a simple 10 part mini series about the Journey to Financial Freedom. You can read all the postings here:

The Road to Financial Freedom
#1 - The Greatest Mistake
#2 - Protect What You Cannot Afford to Lose
#3 - Spend Less Than You Earn
#4 - Spend Less Or Earn More
#5 - Buy Assets Not Liabilities
#6 - Read and Learn More
#7 - The Magic of Part Time
#8 - Health Equals Wealth
#9 - It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
#10 - Congrats! You have Achieved it!

I have also begun to explore using HubPages to increase my Adsense Earnings

Thoughts at StarBucks

So I am sitting here at Starbucks at 3pm in the afternoon. Just got some work done and was wondering what a funny life I actually have.

3pm and people are most probably working in the office. And here I am sipping my Starbucks Cafe Latte and blogging. I never expected that I would actually be living such a life!

After so many years of schooling, I would never have expected it if someone told me that I will be living the life I am living now.

Going to be 28 years old soon and it seems that I don't really have any career ambitions. It certainly does not seem that I will be someone important or famous. Afterall, all those people are perhaps being "groomed" right now in the MNC boardrooms and government agencies. They are probably rubbing off with the "who's who" in Singapore at a golf course or something. And here I am, sitting at starbucks blogging about my life. What a funny irony =)

But I guess it is a good break from the rat race and stuff. I am taking things a bit slower right now. The rat race has done me no good. I have probably not grown or matured as much as I wish I should. I now just try my best to live up to God's standards and not man's standards. I try to read more, think more, love more and give more. I have decided that the corporate ladder is not really something that I would like to climb.

So I sit here near the counter and realised what a great deal of students are actually able to afford Starbucks! My nowadays really have lots of spending power. I certainly do not remember drinking Starbucks during my schooling days! The irony of it all.. People who are working are not enjoying life while those who are not working per se are learning how to enjoy life.

I am not saying that these school children are not working. They do have their school work and stuff. The reason why they are able to enjoy life so much better is perhaps because they still have dreams and hopes of what the future might be. For someone my age, I think I have grown a bit disillusioned about what I was told to pursue in terms of my job and career.

I really need to sit down and ponder more about the kind of life that I would like to live and be remembered for.

#10 - Congrats! You have Achieved it.

This is the #10 posting to the Road to Financial Freedom, a simple 10 step mini-series to get one started on the road to financial freedom.

This posting is actually the final posting on this topic.

Congrats! You have achieved it!

I know you have most probably heard it before but what begins in the mind most likely results into something that you see later on in your life.

I am not trying to be a motivational speaker or writer but I really see the point where they say that if you have a self defeating way of thinking, you most probably will not be able to accomplish anything great in life. Likewise, to achieve financial freedom, one needs to start on the correct footing and this correct footing begins with one's MIND.

As the common saying goes:
Your thoughts determine your actions.
Your actions determines your habits.
Your habits determines your character.
Your character determines your DESTINY.
To achieve financial freedom, one needs to have the correct mindset. You need to believe that your goal is achievable before you can achieve it.

Usain Bolt believes that he can run faster and that is why he is breaking world records. Likewise, you need to believe that you can achieve financial freedom when you are searching for it. As simple as that. Just do it. Nothing is impossible!

This brings an end to a simple 10 part mini series on what I think are the essential points to get you started on your own journey out of slavery from your job and money. I hoped that you have learnt something useful is this 10 part mini series.

To see all the postings, please see the links below:

The Road to Financial Freedom

#9 - It's a Marathon Not A Sprint

This is the #9 posting to the Road to Financial Freedom, a simple 10 step mini-series to get one started on the road to financial freedom.

In the journey to financial freedom, one must realise that one is working basically towards a lifelong goal. This is not an instant rags to riches formula. Rather, it is a very slow marathon that one takes for his entire life. Just as we train for a marathon, we should make sure that in our own financial journey, we run the race like running that of a marathon instead of a 100m sprint.

Have the End Goal in Mind.

Just like running a marathon, you ought to have an end goal in mind. Do you aim to complete your race in 3 hrs , 4 hrs or 5 hrs? The time frame that you have set for yourself is important as it will determine how you subsequently pursue your goal. A person who aims to achieve financial freedom by age 30 will work very differently and use very different methods compared to one who only hopes to attain financial freedom by age 60.

Pace Yourself - Keep Track of Your Progress

Just like running a marathon, it does not really matter how fast you completed the first few kilometers. Most importantly is that you pace yourself such that you are running at a speed that will help you finish the race in your desired timing. Each turn of the route, you should know whether you are behind time or ahead of time; whether you can afford to speed up or slow down. Always pace yourself. It is okay to run a little slower if you know that you can make up for lost time later down the road.

Stop for the Water Points

You won't forget to hydrate yourself when it comes to running a race. Likewise in the journey to financial freedom, remember to reward yourself with treats and stuff. If you do not stop to enjoy and replenish yourself, you might find that you will have no more energy left for the rest of the race.



The Road to Financial Freedom (See The Other Postings Here)
#1 - The Greatest Mistake
#2 - Protect What You Cannot Afford to Lose
#3 - Spend Less Than You Earn
#4 - Spend Less Or Earn More
#5 - Buy Assets Not Liabilities
#6 - Read and Learn More
#7 - The Magic of Part Time
#8 - Health Equals Wealth
#9 - It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint

#8 - Health Equals Wealth

This is the #8 posting to the Road to Financial Freedom, a simple 10 step mini-series to get one started on the road to financial freedom.

Today's title should say it all: " Health = Wealth". Well, almost literally I would say based on experience.

A healthy person is more likely to be wealthy. Yes, I know that this can be too sweeping a statement. But it does not take one too long to figure out the benefits of health and how it can impact all aspects of your daily life like your work, finances, family time, etc.

This is really common sense actually but lots of people neglect their health once they start working. An unhealthy person basically is not able to work as well and as focused as a healthy person. Imagine having to go to work with a headache. Will you be able to work well? No!

Apart from this, a person who is unhealthy will more likely choke up more hospital bills in the future which will thus erode his wealth. Not to mention the amount of loss income and stuff. He or she will also not be able to enjoy life to its fullest.

The problem is that we take our health for granted. We only wait for symptoms to show up before we start taking action. Very often, our body already gives us warning signs that our health is deteriorating. Feeling tired all the time...getting sick more often....visiting the doctor more often...

I fell sick recently and this thought came to my mind. If there were 2 options laid in front of me: To be healthy and poor OR to be wealthy and sick, which would I choose?

I decided that health is perhaps more important than wealth. A rich man cannot buy back his ailing health with all the money he has. But a healthy man can still have a fighting chance to become wealthy. As they say: "He who has health has hope. And he who has hope has everything"

Health equals Wealth. Take care of your body and your body will in turn take care of you. In the road to financial freedom, make sure that you remain healthy so that you are able to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Visit the Health Promotion Board's website here and start living healthy today!

The Road to Financial Freedom
#1 - The Greatest Mistake
#2 - Protect What You Cannot Afford to Lose
#3 - Spend Less Than You Earn
#4 - Spend Less Or Earn More
#5 - Buy Assets Not Liabilities
#6 - Read and Learn More
#7 - The Magic of Part Time
#8 - Health Equals Wealth
#9 - It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint

#6 Read and Learn More

This is the #6 posting to the Road to Financial Freedom, a simple 10 step mini-series to get one started on the road to financial freedom. This posting stresses the importance of reading and learning more to improve one's financial knowledge.


It is my personal belief that the road to financial freedom is also a journey of learning. One basically needs to improve his financial literacy or financial IQ as they put it. You need to read a lot and learn from others to be more financially saavy.

Some of these books might just be motivational, others might be practical in nature but I believe that each book that you read or each blog that you visit has some important lesson that could be useful to you in your road to financial freedom.

They don't necessarily expouse the same theories. Some of them actually conflict each other in terms of content but I guess it is always good to read from all sources and distill the essence of each book so that one becomes wiser.

Below are a list of books that I have found helpful in increasing my financial IQ.

1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad
2. The Richest Man in Babylon
3. Random Walk Down Wall Street
4. The Millionaire Next Door
5. Smart Financial Planning for Your Retirement
6. Common Stocks, Uncommon Profit
7. The Black Swan
8. The Four Pillars of Investing

So happy googling and reading. Keep up the thirst to improve your financial knowledge and try to sift out the good books from the bad books. But as an overall guide, just keep an open mind when it comes to something like financial planning/investment as even the experts usually do not agree with one another totally.

The Road to Financial Freedom
#1 - The Greatest Mistake
#2 - Protect What You Cannot Afford to Lose
#3 - Spend Less Than You Earn
#4 - Spend Less Or Earn More
#5 - Buy Assets Not Liabilities
#6 - Read and Learn More
#7 - The Magic of Part Time
#8 - Health Equals Wealth
#9 - It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint

#7 The Magic of Part Time

This is the #7 posting to the Road to Financial Freedom, a simple 10 step mini-series to get one started on the road to financial freedom. In this posting, we will discover what Jim Rohn would call " The Magic of Part Time".

Imagine this: Earning $1000 in extra income by doing some part time work. That could potentially change your life as well as your family's lifestyle. This is the magic of part time.

Working part time be it in investing your own money, giving tuition, coaching, or just writing a book has its benefits. It gives you extra income (an additional source of income) to grow your wealth. While others are banking on 1 source of income. You have effectively created 2 streams of income. One from a full time job, the other from a part time job.

Over time, it might even be possible that you will see the income from your part time job surpassing that of your full time job. Then the decision will come to whether you should just focus on your part time job and quit your full time job!

Some part time jobs that you could do are as follows:

1. Give Tuition
2. Baby Sit
3. Photography services
4. Blogging
5. Investing
6. Being a coach/personal trainer

Those listed above are just some examples. I am certain that you will most probably know whats the best job that will fit into your schedule on a part time basis. This is part of the road to financial freedom. Discovering the magic of part time. Many rich people did not focus on just their full time jobs. They branched out into "part time" jobs like writing books, selling motivational tapes, giving talks, building websites, etc.

Discover the magic of working part time now!

The Road to Financial Freedom
#1 - The Greatest Mistake
#2 - Protect What You Cannot Afford to Lose
#3 - Spend Less Than You Earn
#4 - Spend Less Or Earn More
#5 - Buy Assets Not Liabilities
#6 - Read and Learn More
#7 - The Magic of Part Time
#8 - Health Equals Wealth
#9 - It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint

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