
New Year Resolutions

Guess it is time to pen down my new year resolutions for 2009:

1. Run the Standard Chart 42km full marathon.
2. Lose 3 kg.
3. Achieve a $400 per month passive income.
4. Pass CMFAS Module 5,9 and Health Insurance
5. Read at least one book per month:

Jan 09 - A random walk down Wall Street (still reading since Dec 08)
Feb 09 - Globalisation and its discontents
Mar 09 - The age of turbulence
Apr 09 - Capital ideas
May 09 - The World is Flat
Jun 09 - Jewish Antiquities
Jul 09 - The Intelligent Investor (thanks to patlim for the recommendation)
Aug 09 - ???
Sep 09 - ???
Oct 09 - ???
Nov 09 - ???
Dec 09 - ???

6. Send out resumes to at least 10 companies by end Feb 09

Any good books to recommend? Preferably non-fiction books =)


  1. I recommend 'Fooled by Randomness' by Nassim Taleb.

  2. Hi,

    Thanks for the recommendation. I have read that book already together with The Black Swan. Both are good books I agree.


  3. dear ff,

    some 2 or more decades ago (yes, i am not that young anymore), i started off my financial journey by reading the intelligent investor by benjamin graham who incidentally also inspired the oracle of omaha, aka warren buffett.

    warren buffett describes it as "by far the best book on investing ever written", a sentiment that is shared by other Graham disciples such as Irving Kahn and Walter Schloss.


    wishing u a belated blessed new year and God Bless.


  4. Thanks for the recommendation on the book. Will add it in my 2009 to-read list.

  5. Hi,

    I recommend

    1) Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. This book is about mindset.
    2) Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom by Van K Tharp. This book is about system development, risk management and psychological of trading.

    This two books can be borrowed from our public libraries.
