
Financial Freedom and Your Subconscious Mind

In this article which I found on the internet, it reaffirms the point that I was trying to make in my ten part mini-series about how important it was to have the correct mindset when determining your financial goals. The power of the sub-conscious mind is indeed very powerful and should not be underestimated. Do read the article below to find out more:

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The Medium for Influencing the Subconscious Mind

Until I started reading, actually absorbing Napoleon Hills book, Think and Grow Rich, I had forgotten that this is a skill my mother taught me for years, without me actually realising it was 'auto-suggestion', as described in Napoleon's book.

Napoleon Hill's book, Think and Grow Rich, Chapter Two, he insists that you write down your Desire's, I believe the beginning of 'one's personal freedom' is the process of writing it all down, it actually anchors your thoughts, it makes them a physical 'being' because these, your thoughts, are now 'written'.

Where does the auto-suggestion come from then?

Napoleon's steps in Chapter Two, Desire, are concise;

1. Decide what the exact amount of money you want!

2. What are you going to give in return for this desired amount of money?

3. Decide a definite date by which this amount of money you desire will be acquired!

4. Create your plan - whether you are ready not, put this plan of desire into action now!

5. Write down a clear and concise statement of the amount of money you desire, how you plan to achieve this and by when and what you plan to give in exchange for this (remember give and thine shall receive or give nothing receive nothing!)

6. Read this statement to yourself morning and night out loud not in your head.

To show you how easy this can be, a plan could look something like this;
"In my first year of business I desire to earn $100,000. To achieve this desired sum, I will coach, mentor, and teach frustrated network marketers to become successful leaders: regardless of their company affiliation and I will do it for free. I intend to reach my desired goal by 31 March 2010 by working daily in my business, helping people to the best of my ability and working through the processes I have set in place to achieve this desire."

All Napoleon Hills requirements are covered in the above, but acquiring this thought process, auto-suggestion, is not easy; it takes repetition, belief in you, commitment and hard work.

Napoleon Hill also recommends belonging to a group that 'Masterminds' his chapters weekly, this can assist learning from others, helps yourself and other 'materminders' to achieve and work through the same process, it can help the belief in yourself and can help them to believe in themselves.

As Napoleon says "thoughts are things, powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches or other material objects" this can come about.

I'm not here to sell a company or product. I coach, mentor, and teach frustrated network marketers to become successful leaders and I do it for free: Regardless of MLM company affiliation

You can join me, would love to have you come on board

I Appreciate You
Julie McClelland

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