
Never Owned a Laptop in My Life

Do I spend a lot? I do not think so.

For one, I consider myself a pretty frugal person. The only thing that I am willing to spend on is food. I consider myself a "okay" spender when it comes to food. I don't mind eating at Sushi Tei, Marche, etc. That is the highest level of spending on food that I allow myself. I feel uncomfortable eating at higher society establishments as I don't like dressing up =)

Okay, now back to the topic...I have never owned a laptop in my life. GUSH!!!!!

Yes yes, I can hear you gasping for air. This is unbelievable right? A person who has gone through university and never owned a laptop in his entire life?? It is true!

I was too "broke" to afford one so I just did not buy it even though laptops were being offered real cheap in NUS. Who says you need a laptop to survive? I did not have a laptop and I survived. And I am very proud of it =)

Even my FYP presentation was done using my girlfriend's laptop which I borrowed. Hahaha. I don't know why people say you need laptops to do presentations. All the group presentations, everyone surely has a laptop. Just use other people's laptop!

Besides, desktops have much better computing power. So whenever I needed to use a laptop (which is rarely), I simply borrowed from the many people all around. A desktop was what I used as it was CHEAPER and BETTER (in terms of specs).

So don't let social norms bite you. Bite them back and then blog about it a few years later.

That was how I survived university days... Cool right?

What is one thing that you always wanted but realised that you can actually live without?


  1. An iPod. In the end I received a Creative ZEN player as a gift from a friend but after 2 weeks, I ended up not using it at all. The music simply plays in my head, so I didn't need one though I thought I did!

  2. Don't worry. Your kids will help you to own laptop using your money. I didn't buy any laptop for myself too.

  3. I don't have a laptop too. No big deal what, depends on your needs.

    A car is what I wanted but I realised I can do without. I need a car for work, but I think I've got better things to buy then that now. Definitely can do without.

  4. See your need. For me, I owned two laptops (one for office and one for home) and no desktop. If you don't need a laptop, no need to waste money on it.

  5. Hi FF,

    from your post I can see that you need a ladtop. You had to depend on others and borrow their ladtop. So you can't say you don't need one can you...

    You have car... do you spend alot? I think so...

  6. FIY, labtop now cheaper than a desktop if u r comparing a same normal specs.

  7. Hi SgFF,

    I attempted not having a laptop in my first year of uni. It was bad.

    In my year 2, I got myself a laptop with my savings from NS and tuition. I have never regretted since. The extra amount of work I have done because of the easy availability of computing power leads me to where I am today.

    To me, my laptop isn't an expense; it's an investment, an investment that gives me infinite amount of returns in the form of time savings, better results. In fact, I credit my A+s and As for programming modules to having my own laptop. Not only that, my FYP Matlab and ANSYS simulations were done with the help of my laptop... In addition, my laptop allows me to work outside of home inside the NLB or Study Room in Yusof Ishak's House, which has a very conducive study work environment for me.

    But I don't like IPod or any MP3 players, nor have any, because I seldom listen to music.

  8. Wow. Looks like I am not the only one who has never owned a laptop.

    I have learnt how to survive without a laptop. But I think i will need to buy one pretty soon. As WJ says, it is a good investment and might get me further in my career.

    Yes Gohsip,
    I own a car...still have $23K left in car loan.

    Laptop from my child? then dunno whether laptops are extinct already or not..
