
Portfolio Additions and Dividends Received

Wow!  We are already half a month into the new year and I have yet to make any new year resolutions (not that they matter, I break most of my resolutions anyway).  Have also been making some additions to my portfolio.

I bought more of The Coca Cola Company (NYSE: KO) and Cross Timbers Royalty Trust (NYSE: CRT).  Warren Buffet owns shares in Coca Cola so I guess it is a pretty safe bet.  After all, Coke is a product that is probably not going to disappear in the next few years.  The business is stable and of course, Warren Buffet owns it.  So have added a bit more of the stock into my portfolio.

Also added Cross Timbers Royalty Trust which pays a monthly dividend.  This is a bit like tabasco to one's portfolio.  Not for the faint hearted.  But the price has gone up quite a fair bit since I bought it so I am happy with the results.

Dividends I have received this month and last month include:

  • $48.41 from Armour Residential REIT (another tabasco addition to my portfolio)
  • $45.74 from GAMCO Gold & Natural Resources
  • $4.36 from The Coca Cola Company.
Have also made some voluntary contributions into my spouse's CPF Special Account.  The CPF-SA pays a 4% interest.  The first $60,000 combined in the various CPF accounts also earns 1% additional interest. Much better than the interest rates one gets from the bank.  Of course, you are not allowed to withdraw it like a bank account.  But for the long term, it is good enough for me.


  1. Congrats on your Portfolio Additions & dividends received! I agree with you that Coca cola is going to be stronger as many people coca cola products not only their beverages but also their health drinks.

    Keep it up!

  2. Thanks. Coca Cola is a defensive stock. With China and many other developing countries rising, the potential for growth is huge.
