
Passive Income for Sept 08

This is a breakdown of my passive income for Sept 08

1. Growth Dividends : $225
2. Pac Andes Dividends: $765
3. Kingboard Dividends: $141

Total passive income for Sept 08 = $1131

Of course, the growth dividends is just a one time payout.


  1. This is great information, thank you. One site I've found to generate income online is at It's a great site for sharing videos, photos and blogs and making friends! Check it out? :P

  2. Thanks hiphopdeb. While I am exploring online means to increase my passive income so as to attain financial freedom, I believe I have not mastered things like Adsense yet to venture into other programmes. If I cannot succeed with Adsense, it is unlikely that I will be able to succeed with other programmes. Thanks anyway for the info. Will explore it once my adsense and other affiliate programmes start to show the feasibility of earning passive income for me =)
