
Dividends Recieved from Pac Andes

Received a total of $765.90 of dividends from holding Pac Andes last week.

Will be looking to invest this money to boost my passive income stocks portfolio.

The following are the stocks which I can choose to buy from to increase my passive income:
1. MacArthur Cook PSF
2. SingFood
3. First REIT
4. Ascott REIT
5. K1 Ventures

Which one should I buy? With $765.90, it does not provide me with a lot of options.


  1. Interesting blog. How is your investing philosophy working? Do you only buy foreign stocks? If you get a chance check out my blog at

  2. Thanks! My investment philosophy lacks a bit of discipline if you ask me. I set out to invest in things but end up buying on the spur of a moment or selling when the price rises.

    I am still learning. I don't but foreign stocks only. I buy both stocks listed in Singapore and US
