Harvard Classics - Five Foot Shelf of Books

I have started  into my reading habit once again.  And what better way to start by doing it in a structured manner rather than the current haphazard way in which I conduct my reading.  Have been reading Harvard's Classics, which is supposed to be the "Western Canon" of books worth reading in order to attain "a liberal frame of mind or way of thinking".  I was tempted to try Adler's Great Books but then decided to start with the original so-called "canon" first before I proceed on.

This whole exercise is just a way of educating myself for free. Almost like obtaining a liberal arts education except without the need to attend lectures/tutorials/etc And besides,  I love to read.. (Oh gosh, how much I miss school).

Well, it will certainly be a challenge as there are a total of 50 volumes worth of books. You can find all the books online (which means you save lots of money too) in this link:  http://archive.org/details/harvardclassics

 I am getting started on the section regarding History of Civilization (refer to Volume 50 for the introduction to the Readers Guide).  I guess it sure beats reading from Vol 1 to Vol 51.  

If anyone else is interested in getting started on reading the Harvard Classics too, feel free to comment!

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