$1590.38 in Dividends & Passive Income for May 09

This month was another bountiful month for me similar to Feb 09.

The breakdown is as follows:

1. Stock Dividends = $1553.50
2. Canroys Distribution = $15.88
3. Other income = $21.00

This brings the grand total to an amount of $1590.38.

Raking in the Money

Decided to cash out of some stock positions to realise the gains that I have. They are not alot and are nothing to be proud of since I am still actually sitting on paper loss on my other shares.
Also bought into Ascendas REITs

Below are my trading activities for today:

1. Sold 6000 Hongguo at $0.255 (Remaining left 24,000 Hongguo shares)
2. Sold KepLand @$2.27 (Remarks : Bought @1.96, Sold the rights for $755 plus gains of $270, not bad)

3. Bought Ascendas REITs (3000 shares @$1.37)

As you can see, I am really a small small fish in a big big sea. The quantity that I trade is very little so I really need the stock price to move up a lot before I can make a gain.

Stock Dividends Received for 26 May 09

Received the following stock dividends:

1. $66.72 (KingBoard stocks)
2. $750 (Innotek)

Total Dividends received for today = $ 816.72

Liquidated My Stocks and Rights

I decided to liquidate my stocks in Pengrowth Energy Trust and also my rights for KepLand.

Reasons being this:

1. The amount of shares I own in Pengrowth Energy Trust was only a mere 100. The price had risen to give me a returns of greater than 25%. Also, the dividends that I received were not substantial enough to warrant UOB Kay Hian from deducting $5 for postage and handling fees.

2. KepLand had recently declared dividends of $0.08 per share. To subscribe to the rights, I would have to pay slightly over $1. This would set me back by $1000 which is not too good for my current cash flow. On top of this, Pac Andes has also recently announced that it will issue rights too. This is a scary thought....are all the companies I own starting to issue rights now to gain more money to boost up their books? What happened to all the passive income I am supposed to get from dividends?

Therefore, I liquidated my 100 shares of Pengrowth Energy Trust and my 900 nil paid rights of KepLand.

Total amount I will get from the sale of both should amount to $1800

Aren't My Stocks Supposed to be Assets?

Robert Kiyosaki mentioned in his book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" that assets put money into your pocket while liabilities take money out of your pocket.

It was with this in mind that I started to acquire more of these assets (e.g. stocks) instead of frivolous stuff like clothes, accessories, electronic devices and stuff.

These stocks I own have been paying me quarterly and yearly dividends. Thus, they have been putting money into my pocket over the years.

However, two stocks that I have recently declared "rights' issue. For the uninitiated, that basically means that the company is issuing me with more shares and I have to pay for them if I intend to exercise my "rights" or either forfeit them and see my shareholdings in the company diluted.

What an irony. These assets are now taking money out of my pocket! All the dividends that I have earned from them are like useless.

If they are so cash strapped, why did they even declare dividends in the first place over the years?

Didn't they foresee this coming? Why weren't they more prudent in calculating the amount of dividends that they were giving out over the years?

So now instead of owning assets, I am like owning two businesses which are asking me to pump in more money into them. I can't tell whether these are assets or liabilities just yet.

*Big Sigh*

Dividends from Canroys

Received dividends from my canroys

PWE - $10.60
PGH - $5.28

Total = $15.88

Received $268 in Dividends

Received the following stock dividends for 19 May and 20 May 09:

$140 from China Aviation Oil
$128 from ST Eng

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