10 facts about Myself

It has been a long journey. 27 years of my life.

While this blog has given me a platform to chart my journey, it has also provided me with the opportunity to interact with others in the online community.

However, it seems that I am perhaps hiding behind the veil of the internet where people cannot really know who am I.

So perhaps today I should reveal a bit about myself so that people can have an idea of who I really am. These are 10 facts about myself which I hope you enjoy:

1. I was born in KK hospital, Singapore in 1981.
2. I was never good at art.
3. My ECA in primary school was Science Club. But I also joined table tennis and track and field
4. My K2 teacher gave me black coffee to drink.
5. I need coffee to survive nowadays.
6. I would like to think I am pretty smart. I scored straight 'A' s for my O levels =)
7. I actually got a place in Brown University but had no $$ to go there.
8. Financial Freedom is important to me not because of the $$ but because of the things that it will allow me to focus my attention on (e..g family, friends, etc)
9. I once had less than $10 in my bank account.
10. I now earn more than $10 a month online. One of my dreams is to be a full time blogger

There you have it. Ten "interesting" facts about me. Hopefully this will help readers to get a better feel of the person writing this blog.

Income for Jun 2009

My income for this month was particularly low as I wasn't working.

Here is a breakdown (comprising both passive and active income):

Salary = $260.96
KepLand Dividends = $80
PenWest Energy Trust Dividends = $11.02
Capital Gains from Trading = $128.92 + $62.27
GST Credits = $200

Hopefully the breakdown for July 2009 will be much better

Time to Reorganise this Blog?

It has been almost a year since I started blogging on my journey towards financial freedom.

One thing I realised from just navigating around my blog is that it is totally disorganised. My thoughts are not well collected and they seem to be scattered all over the place! Sometimes I post about a certain topic twice or even three times!

It must be tiring for people who follow this blog to follow my chain of thought and stuff.

So perhaps it is time I tidy up this whole blog and provide a sort of content page to allow easy navigation.

Rights Issue Again?

It's really scary to open the letterbox nowadays. I always dread seeing a big parcel inside with those pink slips. What are those pink slips? They are basically companies issuing rights.

I just sold off my NOL rights the other day for a small sum of $93.20

Pacific Andes has also declared rights shares with warrants. I have been alloted 37000 of these. Guess I should be able to sell it for a few thousand dollars if I don't subscribe to it.


On the other front, my new job has started off well. There are still lots of adjustments to make but I am learning more about myself each day. I now have a much better understanding of my weaknesses and my strengths

Tired and Weary

For those of you who know, I have started on my new job for sometime now.

It has been tough and that's why the number of posts have gone down for quite a while.

The wife also started with a new job so there is lots of adjustments to make over the mean time.

Hope to start posting regularly again soon.

111 Posts and Counting

Wow! It has been almost an entire year since I started this blog and I have accumulated 111 posts already.

Of course, I know a lot of the posts do not fit into the high quality posts that one normally gets from other blogs.

But still I will stick to my own style of writing...and basically, sharing of my experience.

A mid year review will be done soon on the amount of passive income I have attained thus far. I believe I'm still short of my $400 per month passive income.

We will see how it goes as I try to expand into other areas to boost my passive income.

The Poor Around Us

Lately, I have become more aware of those who are poor living in our midst.

Yes! There are actually poor people around in Singapore.

At a food center near where I live, I always notice a old couple (in their 50s?) occupying a table during the late nights. Whenever I go there for breakfast early in the morning, I see them there with the wife still sleeping and the man looking a toto tickets. I have seen them there countless of times and they seem to be oblivious to the people around them. The wife just sleeps while the unshaven husband flips through lots of toto/4d (?) tickets.

It makes me wonder... what are these people up to with their lives? Did something happen in their family that resulted in them being homeless? Or are they renting out their homes to gain income so as to buy Toto tickets. I seriously don't know.

Another incident took place the other day too. My wife was waiting for me while I was buying some groceries downstairs. There was an old woman standing near the exit too. Later, my wife told me that the old woman had actually asked for $2 from her to buy food to eat.

" So did you give her the $2??" I asked.

" No lah...what happen if she goes and use it to buy cigarettes or stuff?" replies the wife

At this point, I told my wife: " Why do we always assume that poor people are always going to use the money we give them to buy drugs/beer/cigarettes? Perhaps they are really poor and need food to eat?"

The wife felt bad afterwards..

But of course it is a common misperception. We always think that the poor are poor because they gamble, smoke and drink. We tend not to give them money because that's what our parents told us to not to do! We always hear from them how people who beg for money always use the money to buy cigarettes and stuff.

Hmmmm...I think the poor are poor because they are caught in this poverty cycle. There is simply no way out for them unless someone helps them.

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