Just before I was going to sleep last night, I was just brainstorming on certain ideas that I could further develop in the future for my postings. After all, there are those "desert" days when I have lots of topics that I would like to write about but when I start writing them down, I realise that I do not have much "meat" to add to make it a worthwhile posting.
I was just thinking about the concept of personal finance and how it is different in the 21st century compared to the previous centuries.
I personally feel that the concept of personal finance has changed over the hundred of years.
In the past, people had a shorter life expectancy, had close family support and most probably did not have the concept of retirement. These three factors alone were perhaps the reason why most people perhaps only practiced basic money management concepts like saving. Let me expound on the three factors a little more.
In today's developed countries, most people can expect to live way past the age of 70 or 80. Very often, they will no longer be physically fit to carry out any form of employment and thus need to save up to make sure they have enough to survive on when they are no longer working. This was different in the past where people just worked their entire lives (probably because they owned their own business too).
In addition, they no longer live with their children as some even migrate to other countries to live. In the past, families used to stay pretty much together and one could rely on your immediate family members to take care of you once you are old.
The concept of retirement must also be a pretty new concept as people used to work all the way till their death beds. They simply did not have the concept of retirement!
So with these changes, comes the need for people to understand personal finance. When we live longer lives, expect not to receive financial support from our children and expect to enjoy our retirement lives, we will need to actively plan our finances to ensure that we secure a good financial future for ourselves.
The questions we need to ask ourselves are these:
How long do we expect to live?
Do we expect to be financially independent or will we be reliant on our children or family members during our retirement?
Do we even expect to retire by a certain age?
If we know the answers to the questions above, we are better prepared to face the future.