How To Survive A Job Hunt

Surviving a job hunt is probably the most important information you would need if you are between jobs and the whole world seems to be crumbling around you.

I speak from personal experience.

Up till now, I am still looking for a job. The weekdays don't feel like weekdays and the weekends don't feel like weekends.

People keep asking: "So what are you doing?"

The wife is meaner to me than usual. She gets angry easily. It's because I am sitting at home all day long.

But the job hunt process is a long and tedious one. Especially if one does not know what job to look for. The application process is also one LONG WAITING GAME.

The most difficult part of the whole process is to keep one's head lifted up high.

Afterall, society (and I mean family, friends, etc) judge you by what job you do. And if you are jobless.....Uh Oh.....they give you a pitiful look....

Surviving a Job Hunt is thus perhaps the most important thing in the search for a job. When I mean survive, I don't mean locking yourself indoors. What I mean is to make the best use of this time to do the things that you enjoy the most.

Whatever your hobbies that you have put off, go pursue it now. Reading, cycling, etc, etc. Sitting at the computer the whole day and checking your emails or facebook is not going to make the job hunt any quicker.

Don't be pressured by others. Take time to think what is it you really want in life.

I managed to do that for a few weeks and go through my life purpose and skills which I am good at.

I hope to share with you the exercise that I did and which I think everyone will find helpful whether you have a job or not. That is however best left for another day.

Just remember: In your job hunt, you are not alone!

If you are feeling frustrated or depressed, you can feel free to contact me at this blog. Perhaps I could share with you my experiences and you will feel much better! =)

Fix That Leaky Pipe!

Had a stupid quarrel with the wife.

It all started with a leaky pipe in the kitchen sink that I had been ignoring for months. My fault.

So the wife woke up on Saturday morning and while I had other things on my mind, her mind was fixed on picking a fight with me.

The recent invasion of ants into our lovely home must have tipped the ice-berg as she is a real neat freak who can't stand the sight of creepy crawlies crawling all around the house.

The conversation soon drifted to the leaky pipe under the kitchen sink and how I was lazing around and not fixing it.

It was Saturday morning for goodness sake and before I knew it, the conversation turned nasty with each of us blaming the other for some irrelevant thing that had nothing to do with the stupid leaky pipes.

Frustrated, I walked out of the house to buy the necessary equipment to fix the pipe as the putty that I used the previous time did not solve the problem. I figured that the piping was lose and I had to replace it.

So I spent like $10 buying a spanner (the one I had at home was too small) and a pipe (the flexible kind used for the shower heads type).

I switch off the main water supply and started fixing it. She however was angry that I took so long to buy the stuff and complained that without the main water supply, she could not fix up lunch!! we quarreled even further and I guess I said many things that I should not have said.

It is funny how quarrels about one thing leads to 5000 things that I did in the past. In the end, she blew it when she said that "WHY DON"T YOU HAVE A JOB??!?!?!?"

All is well now for the time being. After two days of cold war, the worst is hopefully over.

The pipe in the kitchen was fixed too. (I am proud of my handiwork once again)

Moral of the story for all guys out there is this: FIX THAT LEAKY PIPE BEFORE IT BITES YOU IN THE BUTT!

Big Quarrel With The Wife

Big quarrel with the wife.

Real big quarrel. She is unhappy with my career indecision...


Maybe I will write more about it....

Maybe I won't....

We will see how things go.

Blogging While I am Drunk

I always wanted to do this. To blog while I am a bit tipsy.

I wouldn't call it drunk as I have always managed to maintain my decorum even when I drink.

After many glasses of alcohol just now, I can hardly walk in a straight line anymore and it seems that my eyes are just getting heavier by the moment.

I am feeling so tired and weary. It is 1245am in the morning and I just got home.

Drinking too much is bad for health. I can hardly see what I am typing on the screen.

I just wanted to see what a drunk posting would look like. And this is for safekeeping in the future. Well, not drunk really but just slightly tipsy.

$25.68 in Dividends for Jan 2010

I received dividends from Suntec REITs up to a total of $25.68. That is from just having 1000 shares of it. Sort of regretted selling my 1o lots to do trading as I could have gotten much more dividends.

Anyway, I will be expecting dividends from Pacific Andes and Ascott REITs pretty soon too.

Pacific Andes is giving 0.6 cents per share while Ascott REITs is giving a DPU of 3.77 cents. That should add up to a few hundred dollars in the month of February which should come in handy somehow.

Read Related Articles
1. Dividends for November 2009
2. Received Over $1000 for August 09
3. Dividends for May 09
4. Dividends for Feb 09

#1 Crazy Thing I Did in My Life

Getting drunk in Russia.

Okay, not really drunk but tipsy on vodka. Some of my friends got real drunk though.

That's not me in the picture. That's one of my friends dead drunk in St Petersburg from all the cheap vodka he could get his hands on.
I have lost contact with all the people I spent my time with in Russia. During then, we exchanged contacts on ICQ but when we stopped using ICQ, we gradually lost touch.

Lunch on A Budget

I simply love this packet of charsiew and roast pork rice. It costs me a mere $3.00 but has a generous amount of char siew and roast pork. They are laid out in two straight lines. The charsiew is so-so but the roast pork is pretty good. They also serve a bit of achar on the side which goes really well with the pork! Simply yummy!

You can find this store at Tanglin Halt Road Market. It is located beside the Kway Chap stall.

If you missed my previous posting, you seriously need to read this article here on Blogging to Financial Freedom. In it, I give some tips on my blogging experience.

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