Great Book - The Forever Portfolio

I spent the weekend reading a book that I borrowed from the library. It was titled : "The Forever Portfolio" by James Altucher.

I don't really like to write book reviews but this book really got me blown away as it was easy to read and it also contained lots of gems from a person who truly knows what he is talking about.

In fact, I finished reading the entire book in just 2 days!

The Forever Portfolio basically focuses on 2 simple questions to determine the stocks that one should hold in his or her portfolio:

1. What are the tidal wavelike demographic forces taking shape around the world that we can surf on top of?

2. What companies are best positioned to take advantage of these long-term trends?

The book gives lots of tips on which stocks to look out for and also simple advice on how to "piggyback" on various investment gurus.

While it is written in a US context, I believe that most people will find a gem or two in this book.

That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and now have a much better understanding of various US businesses and certain stocks that I might want to purchase in the future. I wish I could share more but let me just do some of my own research first...


  1. great, thanks for sharing...i might just try borrow this book from the library one of these days :)

  2. Yes you should. It is really a good book. Simple to read and full of insights.


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